Town Halls

Join us for another online town hall meeting on Tuesday (2019/04/02, 2019 April 2) at 9:30am Pacific Daylight Time:


Join us in the #town_hall channel in Slack for extra discussion and access!

Join us for another online town hall meeting on Tuesday (2019/03/05, 2019 March 5) at 9:30am Pacific:

Chat and questions will be in the #town-hall channel on

Join us for another online town hall meeting on Tuesday (2019/03/05, 2019 March 5) at 9:30am Pacific:

Chat and questions will be in the #town-hall channel on

Join us for another online town hall meeting on Tuesday (2019/02/05, 5 February 2019) at 9:30am Pacific



Join us for another online town hall meeting on Tuesday (2019/02/05, 5 February 2019) at 9:30am Pacific



Our monthly first tuesday meeting got into a scheduling limbo with the new year. 

We're still planning on being online at 9:30AM Pacific in Google Hangouts:


Join us for the first concrete5 townhall meeting of 2019 on Tuesday, January 8th (8 January) at 9:30 a.m. PST.

We will be ringing in the new year on our normally scheduled meeting date, so the first Tuesday of each month, so let's meet one week later.

Join us for the first concrete5 townhall meeting of 2019 on Tuesday, January 8th (8 January) at 9:30 a.m. PST.

We will be ringing in the new year on our normally scheduled meeting date, so the first Tuesday of each month, so let's meet one week later.

Just a quick reminder that we're doing another get together online next Tuesday the 4th at 9:30am Pacific



Just a quick reminder that we're doing another get together online next Tuesday the 4th at 9:30am Pacific