Town Halls

No show this week, but we promise to return soon! In the mean time, check out last week's episode on YouTube!

As always we check out community karma prizes (2:30), new Marketplace submissions (4:35) and answer your questions (9:10).

We're live Friday morning at 10am Pacific on USTREAM.

To view more episodes of Totally Random, check out our YouTube channel.

This week we check out community karma (4:35), new marketplace releases (7:50), github pull requests (12:05) and answer your questions in "How Would We Do That?" (13:55).

Totally Random is taking tomorrow off! We'll be back soon. Until then, why not catch up with last week's episode? Or take a trip back in time by checking out our Totally Random youtube playlist.

See you all next time!

We're back! We talk news, karma, review PRB submissions and and answer your questions about our next big release, concrete5.7.

The Core Team is taking some time off for the holidays, so there will be no new Totally Random episodes until the new year. Check back in January to find out when the next live episode will air.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from the concrete5 Core Team.

Check out news, community karma winners (2:40), new marketplace themes and add-ons (5:55), and new work in GitHub (14:45).

We're back! This time we check out news, community karma winners (5:10), new marketplace add-ons (9:45), core code submissions from GitHub (15:20) and answer viewer questions (17:12).

The Core Team is off eating turkey (or vegan alternatives), so there will be no Totally Random this week. We'll be back on November 30, live on UStream at 10 am PST.

We're back! This week we talk news, community karma (3:40), show off a slew of new add-ons released to the Marketplace (7:40) and-- surprise! We preview work on an all-new inline content editor for the next version of the core (27:00).