Totally Random - Episode 1 (pilot) from Concrete CMS on Vimeo.

Totally Random - Episode 1 (pilot) from concrete5 on Vimeo.

Greetings! This isAndrew, and I'm going to recap the news, and explain how our karma contest works.

This Week's News

How we assign your karma raffle numbers

For each raffle, we're going to assign a total of 1,000,000 raffle tickets to all the winner's of karma points.For this contest, we grabbed all karma points assigned from midnight April 30th to 11:59 May 6th. The total? 50,265 points. That means, each karma point is going to get you 19 tickets, with 44,965 extra tickets dispersed randomly throughout the previous winners. That means if you got 1,000 karma points during the last week, you're going to get at least 19,000 raffle tickets. THAT'S 19,000 CHANCES TO WIN!

Pinball Probability Principle

Want to generate random numbers from pinball scores? Use this approach: no matter how many numbers your score contains, if you take three digits total, and start two digits in from the left, you're going to get yourself some random numbers. Combine two or more scores for a total of six digits, and you get yourself a raffle ticket number.That's not conjecture. THAT'S SCIENCE.

TheWinners, and What They Got

Watch the video to find out!