You can now download the first release candidate for concrete5 version 8! Featuring Express Data Objects, Fieldless Forms, File Manager upgrades, User desktops, notification updates, multilingual improvements, better installation and much more, concrete5 8 is our biggest upgrade in years and will be fully backward compatible.

Do not upgrade any of your production sites to the beta release. Betas are ONLY intended for testing. This version will not upgrade cleanly over previous betas, but you should test upgrades over Future release candidates of 8.0 will upgrade over 8.0RC1.

How you can help

  1. Download version 8!
  2. Help us close out remaining version 8 milestone issues. Check the link below for a GitHub issue list of items we want closed out before 8.0 can ship.
  3. Test add-ons with version 8. Especially add-ons that use custom attributes!
  4. Do you run a multilingual website with concrete5? Test version 8 with your site and let us know what you find! That are a lot of multilingual changes under the hood and we want to know if something breaks.

Download 8.0 Release Candidate 1

View Open 8.0 Issues