Today's the day for a big update! concrete5 8.0.3 is now available, as is is a tiny maintenance release we broke Environment Information again in the last update (sorry!) and this fixes it. 8.0.3 is fixes a number of bugs in 8.0 and is highly recommended for those running 8.0. Check it out!

View full 8.0.3 release notes

You can download 8.0.3 and from the downloads page.

Download concrete5

Additionally, we some more great news: we have a completely new developer documentation section ready for your perusal. This section is about concrete5's custom attribute system, and specifically how to build attributes for version 8.

View Attribute Documentation

There's a lot of detail in there, including articles about how to build custom attribute types, extend core attribute types, add attribute keys programmatically, handle attribute value responses, build attribute categories and more. (Important: some of these examples won't work unless you're running 8.0.3, so grab that upgrade.)